
Only 20 Days to go until Tokonatsu 2023!

By Kurt Schofield | Friday, 21 July 2023

It’s official, only 20 days until Tokonatsu 2023. Are you ready? We hope you're all starting to get prepared because there's a lot to do!

Registered for Tokonatsu 2023?

It is possible that grabbing your ticket for this year may have slipped your mind! Please ensure that you have a fully registered ticket for Tokonatsu 2023.

You can still purchase tickets and also there will be some available to purchase at the event itself.

Click here to purchase a ticket for the upcoming event.

Plan Your Route

Are you commuting to the area using public transport? The earlier that you book it, the cheaper it will be!

As a reminder, the closest train station to Tokonatsu is Arlesey Station (1.2 miles) which is a short 15-20 mins walk away.

For more information on public transport connections in the area, please check out our venue page.


We are aware of the current parking issue and as of now there are no more parking spaces available for the event. Where possible, we would ask that you car share with fellow attendees to help cut down the spaces required.

Attendees without a designated parking space a free to drop off baggage and other passengers but will unfortunately need to find permenant parking solutions elsewhere.

There are a number of paid and free third party parking options available within the general vicinity of the event. We would recommend using online resources such as Parkopedia to locate nearby parking options.

Trad Gaming - Early Sign Ups

We are hoping to bring you a lot of new and fun events this year at the Trad Games marquee!

Please be aware that due to the nature of some of the games that we are running within Trad Gaming, some events may have a limited number of participants.

The list of games which events may be limited are as follows:

  • "Candela Obscura" (run by YorkshireFatman)
  • "You Son of a Banana, I'm In!"
  • "Ludos as House DM"
  • "Toko 20th Anniversary Role Play"
  • "Friday Night Magic"
  • "Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament"
  • "XL Games" (run by Franky)
  • "Smash Up" (run by Franky)
  • "Shogun's Ultimate Werewolf" (run by Myst)
  • "Escape the Dark Castle" (run by Lottie)
  • "Beginner's Dungeons & Dragons" (run by Fyastarter)
  • "Pathfinder 2E" (run by ARUlad)

If you are interested in signing-up early to secure yourself a place for any of these games, we would highly recommend you do so as early as possible in order to avoid any disappointment.

Click here to secure a place at some of the limited events taking place this year.

Providing that suitable places are still available, attendees will still be able to sign-up at the event itself for the games listed above. We would still however recommend registering swiftly.

We will be releasing a full schedule of planned events within Trad Gaming within the next week so please keep an eye out for further information.

TokoMart - Registering for the Bring & Buy

You still have a couple more days to register for the Bring and Buy, are you wanting to try and sell your unwanted treasures?

Please ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the full terms and conditions and downloaded the appropriate submissions forms that you will need to bring with you.

The deadline for Bring & Buy registrations is

    Sunday 23rd July 2023 @ 10:00pm

Click here to register up for the TokoMart Bring & Buy

Unfortunately, the time has long since passed to register your interest if you are a dealer or artisan wanting to showcase for the event this year.

If you would like to know more about who is coming along however, head on over to the Dealers & Artisans page to find out more!

Cosplay - Registering for the Masquerade

Are you wanting to show off your outfits and take part in the Cosplay Masquerade event? Please ensure you have signed up ahead of time using the entry form.

Click here to sign up for the Cosplay Masquerade.

What's Next?

So what's next? Well, there may not be much time left but we still have a few things to announce as we get closer. We'll let you know more over the coming days. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Until then, stay safe!

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Kurt Schofield

Greetings! I'm Kurt, your local friendly community rep. I like Mountain Dew, Haruhi Suzumiya, Potatoes and Final Fantasy XIV. I'm here to help! (Badge Name: Terajin or Shuartzu)