What is the Bring & Buy?

Disappearing under a mountain of things? Time for a clearout? The Bring & Buy is the perfect opportunity! Acceptable items include all manner of geeky items (not just anime or manga). So anything ranging from loot crate merch and bookish items, collectibles, tabletop gaming to general sci-fi, fantasy and of course Asian or gaming culture items are perfectly acceptable. Be it Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese etc.

Where: The TokoMart Marquees

When: TBC

We have a fairly lax policy with what is and isn't allowed; however keep it reasonable. No VHS at all unless it is something extremely rare in nature. For clothing please use your judgement, as long it is cosplay, k-pop/j-pop, gaming, Asian fashion or lolita related it should not be a problem. If you are unsure about a specific item you may want to bring; please get in touch and someone can let you know. 

Pricing Your Items

Register for the Bring & Buy

Registrations for the TokoMart are currently closed, as we take a break and being our preparations for 2025. Please check back later for when we Open!

Terms & Conditions

Further Questions & Queries

If you have any further questions or queries regarding the TokoMart, please feel free to email the Team and we will try to answer as soon as possible.

Elli - TokoMart Liaison