What is the Bring & Buy?
Disappearing under a mountain of things? Time for a clearout? The Bring & Buy is the perfect opportunity! Acceptable items include all manner of geeky items (not just anime or manga). So anything ranging from loot crate merch
and bookish items, collectibles, tabletop gaming to general sci-fi, fantasy and of course Asian or gaming culture items are perfectly acceptable. Be it Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese etc.
Where: The TokoMart Marquees
When: TBC
We have a fairly lax policy with what is and isn't allowed; however keep it reasonable. No VHS at all unless it is something extremely rare in nature. For clothing please use your judgement, as long it is cosplay, k-pop/j-pop, gaming,
Asian fashion or lolita related it should not be a problem. If you are unsure about a specific item you may want to bring; please get in touch and someone can let you know.
Pricing Your Items
- Please be sure to fill in your forms and price up your items prior to the Friday drop-off or you may be refused.
- You may not do this while you are dropping your items off.
- Items should preferably be priced using large white sticky labels.
- Prices should be in whole round sums eg, £2 or £5 (and not £3.99, £5.52, etc).
- Your seller ID will be issued to you when you register with the below form.
- Make sure everything is clearly legible and easy to read.
- Each item label should written as shown in the image below with 1 item only per label and safely afixed to your item.
Register for the Bring & Buy
Registrations for the TokoMart are currently closed, as we take a break and being our preparations for 2025. Please check back later for when we Open!
Terms & Conditions
- Any items brought to the venue for the purpose of trade/sale will be automatically subject to these terms.
- Tokonatsu or the venue host will not require explicit agreement from any parties concerned.
- Prepare these forms prior to attending Tokonatsu.
- Additional forms and labels will not be provided at the venue.
- Print the forms whenever possible. If we cannot read your form(s) it/they will not be accepted.
- Forms will be voided should you alter the layout.
- You must number and include your details on each additional form.
- You may include 4 items on your first page then 13 items on each subsequent page.
- Forms that aren't securely stapled together will not be accepted.
- You must label each item with your seller number (You need to circle this), item number and price.
- Drop off will be on the Friday only. Pick-up must be done by the end of the Bring & Buy on Saturday.
- For detailed drop-off, pick-up or Bring & Buy times please check the website, Facebook or schedule.
- You may bring an unlimited amount of items within reason.
- No food or drink.
- If you are a business you must book a Dealer or Artisan spot. The Bring & Buy is for personal items only.
- The sale of Hentai, Yaoi or adult related items is allowed. You must tick the 18+ box where appropriate.
- All adult 18+ items will be put into a separate box which can be viewed upon request when ID is shown.
- Anything brought to Tokonatsu must be taken with you when you leave.
- Any items or money not claimed by the end of the event may be disposed of at Tokonatsu’s discretion.
- There is a required 10% minimum donation fee taken from your total. More can be given if you so wish.
- It is agreed that any parties selling/trading items have full and unequivocal title to these goods and that these will be surrendered completely to the receiver subject to individual negotiations between buyers, traders and/or sellers.
- Transactions involving software must adhere to the terms and conditions contained within their licences. Sales of such imply that these licenses are transferable.
- Sale of bootlegs and fansubs are strictly prohibited.
- VHS are only permitted under exceptional circumstances, e.g. something extremely rare or unusual.
- Neither Tokonatsu nor the host venue will accept liability for loss or damage to any goods (components thereof or complimentary items such as manuals, cables etc) brought to or purchased at the event.
- All transactions are strictly between the buyer, trader and the seller. Furthermore Tokonatsu or the venue host will not act as guarantor against fitness of purpose of any goods.
- All items will be checked prior to sale, if you are unsure of anything ask one of the committee members.
- Tokonatsu and the venue host reserve the right to prohibit the sale of any items, especially items that are not found related to Japanese/Gaming/Geek culture or anything illegal. For example, but not limited to: unlicensed software, copyright infringing material or items deemed offensive or inappropriate.
Further Questions & Queries
If you have any further questions or queries regarding the TokoMart, please feel free to email the Team and we will try to answer as
soon as possible.
Elli - TokoMart Liaison