The UK Government today announced that country-wide isolation requirements have been extended for a further 3 weeks. Our team has been regularly monitoring and discussing these updates to ensure that Tokonatsu serves the health of each and every one of you.
As of today we do not expect to cancel Tokonatsu. However, the team are currently looking at alternative ways that Tokonatsu can run in 2020 without compromising you, either financially or health-wise. If the format of Tokonatsu 2020 has to change, it will include options for you to decide how you wish to proceed.
I would like to take this opportunity to assure everyone that, while this will be hard for Tokonatsu, this should not affect you individually.
We will keep these updates coming as and when we have them. We are, as always, contactable via email, Facebook, discord, Twitter, and Instagram. If you do have a question, please contact us.
Remember: stay safe, take care of yourselves, and continue to be awesome.
Thank you,
Colin Barker - Myst
Everyone is welcome to join us on Discord:
Here’s some handy links we’d recommend if you want advice or help during this time: