
Countdown to Tokonatsu 2019

By Kurt Schofield | Thursday, 20 June 2019

We are now officially less than two months before Tokonatsu 2019! Have you finished all of your preparations for the event? If not, we highly recommend that you start now!

Registered for Tokonatsu 2019?

Given that registration opened up back in November 2018 (and with pre-reg at the end of last Tokonatsu), it is possible that grabbing your ticket for this year may have slipped your mind! Please ensure that you have a fully registered ticket for Tokonatsu 2019. You can view your registrations by logging in to your account and then heading over to my tickets.

Plan Your Route

Are you commuting to the area using public transport? The earlier that you book it, the cheaper it will be! As a reminder, the closest train station to Tokonatsu is Arlesey Station (1.2 miles) which is a short 15-20 mins walk away.

For more information on public transport connections in the area, please check out our venue page.

Bring and Buy

Are you wanting to try and sell your unwanted treasures at the Tokonatsu Bring & Buy? Please ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the full terms and conditions and downloaded the appropriate submissions forms that you will need to bring with you. To reduce delays, items should be priced before the event using the formatting convention as outlined in the terms and conditions.

For more information and to view the terms and conditions, please refer to the [bring and buy page](

Cosplay Masquerade

Are you wanting to show off your outfits and take part in the Cosplay Masquerade event? Please ensure you have signed up ahead of time using the entry form.

Other Queries

Do you have any other queries about the upcoming event? Remember you can contact us in a variety of ways. You can e-mail us at [email protected], send us a tweet on Twitter via @Tokonatsu or check-out the offical Tokonatsu page or the Tokonatsu 2019 events page on Facebook.

We look forward to seeing you all at Tokonatsu 2019!

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Kurt Schofield

Greetings! I'm Kurt, your local friendly community rep. I like Mountain Dew, Haruhi Suzumiya, Potatoes and Final Fantasy XIV. I'm here to help! (Badge Name: Terajin or Shuartzu)